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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University




Opinion: ‘Wokeness’ counterproductive, must be replaced with compassion

By James Smith April 3, 2019

We should all strive to be progressive in regards to social disparities and inequalities. We should all do our best to be aware of the problems any group faces. We should all want to better the world for...

Opinion: Conservative commentators make money off Republican Party

Opinion: Conservative commentators make money off Republican Party

By Michael Frank April 3, 2019

When choosing which party to vote for, policy is, of course, important. But, in a representative democracy, voters must also consider the character of proposed representatives. There’s been no lack...


Opinion: American dedication to ‘the grind’ promotes toxic productivity

By James Smith April 3, 2019

America has an addiction problem on several levels. We’re addicted to iPhones, fast food and medications. One of the most harmful addictions, however, is our obsession with “the grind.”...


Opinion: Women still subject to unfair workplace treatment

By Maya Stevenson April 3, 2019

When critics of the feminist movement, or the women’s movement in general, are confronted with statement about the inequalities women face, their automatic response is, “Well, what rights do...


Opinion: Equal partnerships conducive to long-lasting, healthy relationships

By Te’Kayla Pittman April 3, 2019

Queer and heterosexual relationships have a lot in common. One of the common issues they share is the concept of going 50-50. This refers to sharing responsibilities, acts of love and affection equally...

Actor duo William H. Macy and Felicity Huffman recently came under fire for their role in the admissions scandal. Huffman is one of 50 people charged in the sweeping college admissions scandal, in which wealthy parents allegedly cut fat checks to have their children falsely certified as athletic recruits at fancy colleges and universities, or to facilitate cheating on the SAT and ACT exams.

Letter to the Editor: Journalists should stop promoting generalizations about white people

By Arthur Richter March 26, 2019

As I read the article by Olivia James in the March 20 edition of The Reveille, I was very disappointed that she chose to lump all white people as privileged and all black and brown people as disadvantaged....


Opinion: Stop policing others’ womanhood, allow women to embrace their biological parts

By Olivia James March 26, 2019

Gender and sex are two different things, but the parts your sex gives you do relate to your gender. Sex is a biological concept and gender is a physiological, psychological concept.I am a woman, and I...

The Tigerland sign sits on Bob Pettit Boulevard, on Monday, Jan. 14, 2019.

Opinion: Consider yourself an ally? Stop frequenting Tigerland.

By Olivia James March 19, 2019

It is 2019 and yes, another Reveille columnist is writing about Tigerland’s history with racism. Things don’t change, they only take different forms, like how segregation was outlawed...


Opinion: College admissions scandal defining example of privilege

By Olivia James March 19, 2019

Actress Lori Loughlin was recently arrested after allegedly committing bribery and falsifying test scores to get her two daughters into the University of Southern California. Meanwhile, two black women...

Louisiana State University is a public institution that covers nearly 2,000 acres of land. LSU is located in Baton Rouge, LA on Friday, March 15, 2019.

Opinion: College experience gives back what you invest

By Olivia James March 19, 2019

At first, I was terrified when my grandmother told me that my undergrad years of college would be the best of my life. You mean that a meager four of my hopefully 70-plus years will be the best? After...


Opinion: Refraining from casual sex prevents emotional turmoil

By Te’Kayla Pittman March 13, 2019

The 90-Day-Rule is a rule popularized by Steve Harvey, author of “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man.” The rule encourages women to make men they are dating wait 90 days before having sex....


Opinion: Conservative’s “snowflake” terminology hypocritical, irrational

By Michael Frank March 13, 2019

Considering the term’s origin stems from slang for anti-abolitionists in the 1860s, it’s ironic that the term “snowflake” has come to mean someone who is too sensitive, wrapped...