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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University




Opinion: Conservative’s “snowflake” terminology hypocritical, irrational

By Michael Frank March 13, 2019

Considering the term’s origin stems from slang for anti-abolitionists in the 1860s, it’s ironic that the term “snowflake” has come to mean someone who is too sensitive, wrapped...


Opinion: Toxic relationships wreak physical, mental havoc

By Maya Stevenson March 13, 2019

Last week, I saw the new Tyler Perry movie which had a large focus on the dirty laundry that goes on in so many families. No family is perfect, and every single one goes through its own struggles. At the...


Opinion: Identity politics counterproductive, damaging to inclusivity

By James Smith March 13, 2019

Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous “I Have A Dream” speech contains sentiments that will be eternally relevant. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a...

An LSU student recieves a match on Tinder.

Opinion: Missed romantic opportunities prevalent among students

By Donald Fountain March 13, 2019

One of life’s biggest miseries is missing out on someone you love. It’s a slap to the face when this person lists everything he or she is looking for in a lover but fails to see this person...

© Max Threlfall

Opinion: Netflix streaming service should be free for college students

By Patrick Gagen March 13, 2019

Few university students actually pay for their Netflix account. If someone you know, whether a parent or significant other, is willing to share his or her account information, then you’re not going...


Opinion: Media’s treatment of Meghan Markle disgusting, illogical

By Maya Stevenson March 11, 2019

In October 2018, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Harry and Meghan Markle announced their pregnancy, with the baby due sometime in Spring 2019. Since then, the public has zoomed in on the couple with a...


Opinion: Student segregation damaging to college experience

By Te’Kayla Pittman March 8, 2019

Being African American in a predominately white institution like LSU, I have noticed how separated students are from different ethnic and racial backgrounds. I have also noticed how easily people migrate...

Opinion: Unregulated social media detrimental to society

Opinion: Unregulated social media detrimental to society

By Michael Frank March 8, 2019

As a means for increasing the potential for nuanced and informed conversation, social media can be the key for society’s continued advancement. There’s this amazing potential that platforms...


Opinion: The KKK, Confederate symbols have no place in America

By Donald Fountain March 8, 2019

The Ku Klux Klan is still alive in America. Given the history the Klan has, it’s scary to realize America has not put this group in the ground. I should not have to say the KKK and confederate symbols...


Opinion: Degree inflation harmful to both employers and applicants

By Maya Stevenson March 8, 2019

Degree inflation, or academic inflation, is a phenomenon where “a degree becomes a requirement for more jobs while, at the same time, becoming an insufficient entry requirement to others." This...

Opinion: Catholic minor abuse scandal requires Pope’s transparency

Opinion: Catholic minor abuse scandal requires Pope’s transparency

By James Smith March 8, 2019

I went to Catholic school my entire life until college. My ancestor built the first Catholic church in my hometown of Grand Coteau. I received four out of the seven Holy Sacraments. My mom teaches at a...


Opinion: Sobriety rewarding, useful challenge for self-growth

By James Smith March 8, 2019

“Honestly looking in the mirror is a necessary bitch.” That’s what one AA member said at a meeting I attended this past summer. But, we don’t have to be full-blown alcoholics...