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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Opinion: University's rationale for tobacco free campus are absurd, time to lift ban

Opinion: University’s rationale for tobacco free campus are absurd, time to lift ban

By Matthew Hutchins March 20, 2017

During a campus tour, prospective students and their guardians have a chance to see all the University has to offer. Sights include the countless massive oak trees representing our University’s longevity,...

The front gates of Louisiana State Penitentiary stand below passing clouds in Angola, LA.

Opinion: Louisiana prison system in need of reform

By Abbie Shull March 17, 2017

U.S. News and World Report released a study that ranked Louisiana last in a list of best states to live in.The states were judged based on categories such as healthcare, education and crime and corrections.  For...

Cartoon: Guinea pigs

Opinion: Millennials used as guinea pigs for technological advancement

By Clarke Perkins March 16, 2017

Pew Research Center data shows 95 percent of American adults own a cellphone — 77 percent owning a smartphone — compared to 65 percent who owned an ordinary cellphone in 2004, before smartphones...

President Trump may be trying to limit the flow to public information.

Opinion: Restricted information from the public hinders democracy

By Alaina DiLaura March 15, 2017

Conspiracy theorist is not a term I would typically use to describe myself. When I wasn’t able to find information while researching for my columns, my first thought wasn’t to assume the government...

All Americans should have the right to privacy. 

Opinion: Privacy of American citizens must be protected

By Matthew Hutchins March 15, 2017

Sen. John McCain called on President Donald Trump to either provide evidence of the Barack Obama administration wiretapping Trump Tower or retract his claim. The claim came from the series of tweets by...

pay for art

Opinion: Consumers should pay for all forms of art

By Ryan Thaxton March 15, 2017

In a capitalist society, few things are cheap. Supplies for art, whether they be paint and brushes or editing software, are expensive and rarely a one-time cost. Thus, artists need support from their consumers...

All Americans should have the right to privacy. 

Opinion: Snapchat culture distorts reality, adds no real value to social life

By Myia Hambrick March 14, 2017

I’m sure I’m among the minority when I say I can’t stand Snapchat. Aside from the funhouse filters, it offers no real value to our social lives. Some people use it to keep up with people...

sg office

Opinion: The Student Government office takes up valuable space

By Matthew Hutchins March 14, 2017

According to the University’s student government press secretary, the Student Government Executive Office “serves as a central location for those involved in SG to work on initiatives and improve...

Ronald Reagan ignored millions of Americans. 

Opinion: Ronald Reagan’s legacy overstated, spars with reality

By Lynne Bunch March 14, 2017

During the second Republican primary debate of the 2016 election, the candidates and moderators said Ronald Reagan’s name 64 times. According to “The American Presidency Project,” a presidential...

Mike Davis should be the next men's basketball coach.

Opinion: There is a clear choice of who should be the next men’s basketball coach

By Matthew Hutchins March 14, 2017

If Joe Alleva is smart, I mean, if he wanted people to think he was smart, he would hire Mike Davis as the new head basketball coach. Over his 17-year coaching career, Mike Davis holds a 335-219 record...

Without honey bees, we can see a detrimental change in the food industry.

Opinion: Honeybee decline should be feared

By Casey Pimentel |@CaseyPimentel1 March 13, 2017

As spring approaches and we begin to spend our days by the poolside, think twice before you smash that little honey bee flying around your Coke can. The world’s honey bee population is dying at an...

Cartoon: College pets

Opinion: College students should recognize responsibility of owning pets

By Osie Evans March 12, 2017

Owning a pet is a big responsibility. It’s a cliché most of us have heard, but unfortunately, it falls on deaf ears. This is the case for many college-aged pet owners who find themselves overwhelmed...