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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Studies have shown a correlation between music and personality types.

Opinion: Music should connect, bring people together

By Lynne Bunch March 11, 2017

Americans listen to four hours of music a day, according to an Edison Research study released in 2014. We use music to live our everyday lives, and no matter what kind of music we listen to, we cannot...

States like Ohio require citizens convicted of DWI to adopt a bright yellow license plate.

Opinion: Louisiana should adopt public shaming practices for DUI offenders

By Christopher Godail March 10, 2017

If you drive a vehicle under the influence of an illicit substance, I have a problem with you. It was just a mistake, and you’re sorry? Sorry, that doesn’t cut it for me. As a society, we’ve...

The Johnson Amendment, passed in 1954, makes nonprofit organizations tax exempt if they are politically neutral. 

Opinion: Johnson Amendment should be repealed, promotes entanglement of church and state

By Abbie Shull March 10, 2017

President Donald Trump first vowed to destroy the Johnson Amendment on June 21, 2016. In a private meeting with Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and a group of evangelical leaders, he said, “We are going...

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards addresses the legislature about budget cuts on Sunday, Feb. 14, 2016, at the Louisiana State Capitol. 

Opinion: Washington-style partisan politics hinders progress of Louisiana legislature

By John Gavin Harp March 9, 2017

Gov. John Bel Edwards hasn’t even passed the halfway mark of his first term yet, but he’s already proven himself to be more effective than his predecessor — at least when partisan politics...

Cartoon: Higher education

Opinion: Students should protect their right to higher education

By Clarke Perkins March 9, 2017

Imagine you’re 35 with kids of your own and have $20,000 left to pay in student loans. You have your degree and work extremely hard, but with your salary it seems like you’re in endless debt....

GMOs provide jobs for farmers and maximize crop production.

Opinion: Genetically modified organisms offer many benefits to society

By Alaina DiLaura March 8, 2017

What’s really in your food? This question is not only for consumers with questionable meat slapped on their McDouble, it also has to do with the emergence of innovative food technologies, for grocery...

Cartoon: Louisiana

Opinion: North Louisiana has as much culture as southern counterpart

By Osie Evans March 8, 2017

When most people think of Louisiana, they reduce it to Mardi Gras, French heritage and New Orleans. Residents have developed their own stereotypes as well. One of the most pervasive stereotypes is the...

Cartoon: Ikea indoor garden

Opinion: Indoor gardens prove to aid urban cities in obtaining healthier produce

By Casey Pimentel March 7, 2017

Local grown, organic foods are packed with flavor and nutrients that genetically modified organisms cannot compete with. Traditional farming practices take abundant amounts of space to grow, cultivate...


Opinion: The Reveille should not publish on shortened weeks

By Christopher Godail March 1, 2017

Last semester, the editorial staff at The Daily Reveille opted to reduce print frequency to alleviate financial woes.  After losing significant advertising revenue and nearly depleting fiscal reserves,...

Immigrants' entrepreneurial spirit has played a part in creating an average of 760 jobs per company in the US. 

Opinion: Immigrants at heart of American society, irreplaceable

By Alaina DiLaura February 26, 2017

On Feb. 16, 2017, immigrants from around the nation took part in “A Day Without Immigrants,” a solidarity movement, which was both a boycott and a strike. The grassroots campaign spread like...

Many families in New Orleans are still homeless after the tornado that hit almost a month ago in New Orleans East. 

Opinion: Victims of tragedy should not be forgotten

By Clarke Perkins February 26, 2017

It’s been less than a month since a massive tornado hit New Orleans East, and the conversations and posts have almost disappeared. It is mind-blowing. Was the tornado only noteworthy the moment it...

Cartoon: Mardi Gras

Opinion: Mardi Gras can be dangerous, unsafe for families

By Casey Pimentel February 25, 2017

There’s no doubt the entire state of Louisiana started preparing for Mardi Gras months ago. Beads are bought in bulk along with alcohol, masks and costumes. People work on parade floats for months...