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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Breaking the mold

By Jon Lewis, Staff Columnist
February 20, 2012

As American college students, we are susceptible to some of the most pervasive stereotypes in our country. Regardless of our gender, race or religious affiliation we are all believed to have a handful...

Letter to the Editor: RE: Evolution: theory not fact

By Alexandra Risku
February 8, 2012

  In response to "Evolution: theory, not fact," in Feb. 7 edition of the Technician.     I have voiced my opinion on the uproar caused by this article in the comments section. I told...

Letter to the Editor: KKC article factually incorrect

By Joshua Chappell
February 6, 2012

  In response to "Krispy Kreme Challenge," in Feb. 6 edition of the Technician.   Last weekend, 7,700 runners from across the world came to Raleigh to run the Krispy Kreme Challenge. A team of...

Letter to the Editor: Lack of fact in creationism debate

By Theju Jacob
February 6, 2012

    In response to "Evolution: theory, not fact," in Feb. 7 edition of Technician.   One, the theory of evolution is built on years of painstaking research and evidence collection....

Letter to the Editor: Ms. Murphy is wrong

By Charles Yu
February 6, 2012

    In response to "Evolution: theory, not fact," in Feb. 7 edition of Technician.   I am embarrassed by the recent column by Madison Murphy, "Evolution: theory, not fact." I am embarrassed...

Letter to the Editor: Evolution column is contradictory

By Tyler Stephens
February 6, 2012

    In response to "Evolution: theory, not fact," in Feb. 7 edition of Technician. I was deeply offended by the column "Evolution: theory not

Letter to the Editor: Flawed evolution argument

By Luther Blackwood
February 6, 2012

In response to "Evolution: theory, not fact," in Feb. 7 edition of Technician.   The argument presented in this column is, unfortunately, flawed from the start, and it is this flaw existing...

Letter to the Editor: Fact versus theory in evolution debate

By Todd Jeffreys
February 6, 2012

    In response to "Evolution: theory, not fact," in Feb. 7 edition of Technician.   I was not in your class and did not hear what the professor said, but is it possible you could...

Letter to the Editor: Redefining the evolution argument

By Jon Johnson
February 6, 2012

    In response to "Evolution: theory, not fact," in Feb. 7 edition of Technician.   From Wikipedia, on theory: "The English word theory was derived from a technical term...

Letter to the Editor: Don’t disrupt other inquiry

By Jonas Feit
February 6, 2012

    In response to "Evolution: theory, not fact," in Feb. 7 edition of Technician.   You claim your denial of scientific fact does not constitute ignorance. In as much as ignorance...

Letter to the Editor: Evolution fact, not theory

By Paul Schwartz
February 6, 2012

    In response to "Evolution: theory, not fact," in Feb. 7 edition of Technician. Do you believe in the theory of gravity? This fatuous question is of the same form creationists use to...

Letter to the Editor: Don’t tell teachers what to teach

By Reynolds Bond
February 6, 2012

In response to "Evolution: theory, not fact," in Feb. 7 edition of Technician.   As a high school English major here at N.C. State, reading this column irked me. I understand everyone is...