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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Letter to the Editor: Defining “theory”

By Steven Vensko
February 6, 2012

    In response to "Evolution: theory, not fact," in Feb. 7 edition of Technician.   I have been studying aspects of evolution and Natural Selection for nearly seven years. In your...

Letter to the Editor: Facts about meal plans

By Jennifer Gilmore
February 6, 2012

      In response to "On-campus students displeased with meal plans" in Feb. 6 edition of the Technician.   This fall we had 8,600 meal plan holders: an all-time high for University...

Letter to the Editor: Thanks for the other side

By Andy Leffler
February 6, 2012

    In response to "Evolution: theory, not fact," in Feb. 7 edition of Technician.   Thank you for writing this column; it was an enjoyable read and something I think everyone needs...

Letter to the Editor: Only a theory, like gravity

By Wes Thill
February 6, 2012

    In response to "Evolution: theory, not fact," in Feb. 7 edition of Technician.   I do not have a problem with people sharing their viewpoint. However, to be credible, the facts...

Letter to the Editor: KKC article factually incorrect

By Joshua Chappell
February 6, 2012

  In response to "Krispy Kreme Challenge," in Feb. 6 edition of the Technician.   Last weekend, 7,700 runners from across the world came to Raleigh to run the Krispy Kreme Challenge. A team of...

Letter to the Editor: We should know the truth about Bus 1516

By Katina Gad
January 31, 2012

In response to the news article, "Wolfline employees outsourced," published Jan. 17.   Friday I spent an hour riding four different Wolfline buses, speaking with the drivers and trying to learn...

Pack signs 23-strong recruiting class

By Rishav Dey
Deputy Sports Editor
January 31, 2012

In what proved to be a big day for N.C. State football, 23 recruits signed national letters of intent with the Pack to headline one of the more decent recruiting classes signed by coach Tom O'Brien at...

Letter to the Editor: Clarifying Occupy NCSU

January 28, 2012

  There appears to be much confusion regarding the action carried out by #occupy against Wells Fargo's CEO late last semester. As a part of Occupy NCSU, I would like to make a public service announcement...

Letter to the Editor: Supporting renewable energy

January 28, 2012

  I applaud the Jan. 24 column, "Exploring renewable jobs" in encouraging students to seek jobs in the renewable energy sector. The column comes at an opportune time; President Obama mentioned in...

Letter to the Editor: The unspoken topic of racism

January 28, 2012

  First of all, I want applaud Nijah Toshumba for being probably one of the only students who will actually talk about racism on our campus. Second, I want to thank her for her boldness to address...

Letter to the Editor: Are you sure Occupy is dead?

January 28, 2012

  I was very disappointed to read "The death of Occupy." It seemed quite a contradiction to report on Occupy Raleigh's weekend of action, while also saying they are doing nothing. This leads me to...

Letter to the Editor: The death of Technician

By Clark Goldentyer
January 28, 2012

  Your recently published editorial "The Death of Occupy" highlights the particularly poor journalistic standards of Technician. The piece approved by your editor-in-chief is poorly researched,...