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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



The Bottom Line: Economics hold hope for a better future

By Devin Graham
December 4, 2011

It's been a long semester, LSU. Politically, the Republicans have been jostling for a candidate to topple Obama in the 2012 election. As of yet, no candidate has been able to hold a lead. Perhaps more...

Letter to the editor: Adderall use is not cheating

I disagree with Chelsey Francis' assertion in the Monday edition of Technician that the use of mind-altering substances as study aids should be considered as cheating. While she specifically targets the...

Letter to the Editor: A roundabout problem

By Daniel Young, Wolfline transit operator
November 20, 2011

According to, there have been 84 accidents at the Hillsborough Street traffic circle. The roundabout, or traffic circle, as it is sometimes called, is a traffic calming device installed...

Letter to the Editor: Rush the field

  After the dust has settled, I still have yet to see a good reason why rushing the field after a victory over a top 10 football team can't be practical or safe if we institute certain rules. It's...

Letter to the Editor: Response to Thompson’s HOWL: Tuition Update

By Daniel Eckert
November 20, 2011

Dear Chandler Thompson,   The common theme I see in this and, other communications related to cost increases, is a continual mention of how we should accept it because administrators are having a...

The Philibuster: Despite past transgressions, police not above the law

By Phil Sweeney
November 20, 2011

America is a police state. As of late, there's seemingly no distinction between the laws and those enforcing them. Our cities and states are being policed by a reprehensible band of mindless RoboCops and...

Letter to the Editor: Think about it

By Kirsten Irish, junior in English
November 14, 2011

While Chelsey Francis' article was thought-provoking and hit on some key points, I was disappointed that she chose rape as a reason to promote women's rights. Rape is a horrible thing, and I can only hope...

Letter to the Editor: Family of the Year

After reading Mr. Young's opinion in Monday's campus forum, I have two issues with his letter. First, it appears that Mr. Young is unaware of the actual contest entry guidelines for Family of the Year....

SENSITIVE CONTENT: The G-Spot: Oral sex more likely to give you throat cancer than smoking

By Gabie Bacques
November 5, 2011

Men, are you ready for a Pap smear? Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the leading cause of cervical cancer among young women, in case you haven't heard. This virus, however, is also responsible for anal cancer...

Failure of Diplomacy: Militia plots show domestic terrorists on a misguided crusade

By Zachary Davis
November 5, 2011

Unfortunately, it seems when today's Americans think of terrorism, images of foreigners – Middle Eastern or otherwise – come to mind. While this may be part of the scars our country still bears...

Facebook Felonies

By Josh Lucas, Deputy Viewpoint Editor
November 1, 2011

On the Internet there exists a place more downtrodden than the heart of southeast Raleigh. It is a place that is seedier than FUBAR. It is a place where criminals as young as 10 run rampant through its...

Letter to the Editor: Occupy love and help save New Orleans

November 1, 2011

John Lennon challenged us once to imagine a world with no possessions, no religion, no greed, no hunger — a world with nothing to kill or die for. This must become our shared purpose. We need...