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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



U.S.-Ukraine support cartoon

Opinion: American actions against Russia making a difference, could go further

By Frank Kidd April 5, 2022

Editor's note: This column is a satire. Russia President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has been widely condemned on the global stage but none have spoken louder than Americans. Not NATO, nor...

LSU Reveille newsstand sits Wednesday, March 9, 2022, in front of the Journalism Building on LSU’s campus in Baton Rouge, LA.

Letter from the Editor: Support student journalism, donate to our fundraiser this week

By Lara Nicholson April 5, 2022

My Reveille career started on a wintery night at Louie’s Cafe.  I had just gotten a grip on independence and college life as I finished my first semester at LSU in 2018 when I stumbled into...


Opinion: Associated Press is wrong about Oxford comma, should change rule

By Kate Beske April 5, 2022

Most journalistic writing casts aside the beloved and useful Oxford comma, banishing this grammatical tool to unpublished drafts with red ink and backspaces.Oxford commas are not allowed in the Associated...

Gen Ed cartoon

Opinion: General education courses profitable for university but waste of student time, money

By @0kacey1 April 5, 2022

General education courses can be some of the most difficult classes taken in a student's college career. General education courses are supposedly required to round out a student's knowledge. Art majors...

The LSU basketball team warms up before their game against Maryland on Saturday, March 23, 2019, in Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena. 

Opinion: Saint Peters’ historic run proves March Madness is the best postseason in sports

By Spencer Verret April 3, 2022

March Madness has always been the highlight of most people's March. Every year people get hyped about trying to win their bracket challenge or trying to predict them all to get that perfect bracket. We...


Opinion: Legislature must address gun violence with stricter firearm regulations

By Mia Coco March 31, 2022

Guns are the leading cause of death for children and teens in Louisiana according to gun violence research group Everytown Research and Policy. Fatal and non-fatal shootings cause not only...

New world order cartoon

Opinion: People of Earth must defeat global elites’ ‘new world order’

By Frank Kidd March 29, 2022

President Joe Biden sent the conspiracy theory world into a frenzy when he used the phrase “new world order” while talking about the Ukraine crisis. For those unfamilar, the phrase refers to...

LSU student government F*** Around and Find Out campaign and Rise campaign represent themselves Thursday, March 24, 2022, at the Student Government debate in the Journalism Building on LSU’s campus in Baton Rouge, LA.

Quick Takes: Is Student Government an effective form of advocacy?

By Opinion Staff March 29, 2022

"Student Government has the capacity to be an amazing tool for monumental change at the university, but, in recent administrations, it has been unwilling to use the bully pulpit to accomplish the goals...

A LSU holds a sign in protest Monday, Oct. 18, 2021, during the Feminists in Action protest following reports of LSU mishandling sexual asssault cases on the Parade Ground at LSU's campus.

Letter to the Editor: French professor should not be allowed to teach before LSU releases public investigation

By Ali Redmann March 28, 2022

It has come to many LSU students’ attention that Adelaide Russo, the former French studies department chair, is teaching a class this semester. Currently, she is accused of enabling and defending...

The State Capitol sits beyond a lake on Sunday, Feb. 6, 2022, at 900 North Third Street in Baton Rouge, La.

Opinion: State lawmaker threatens academic freedom, university recruitment with attack on tenure

By Charlie Stephens March 28, 2022

Former Gov. Bobby Jindal pushed a K-12 education "reform" package in 2012 that gutted tenure protections through the state legislature at a warp speed of just three weeks. During this year’s...

Course schedule cartoon

Opinion: Professors should be required to provide students outline of assignment deadlines

By Noah McKinney March 28, 2022

You file into the classroom with your peers, finding your seat. The professor waits in silence behind the podium and, just as class begins, makes a dreaded announcement: “I hope you all brought your...

A pair of trees frame the State Capitol on Sunday, Feb. 6, 2022, at 900 North Third Street in Baton Rouge, La.

Opinion: ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bills make it feel like we only move backward

By Kacey Buercklin March 27, 2022

Over a dozen states  have passed or drafted "Don't Say Gay" bills that limit or prohibit discussion of different sexual orientations and gender identities in public schools. In Louisiana, House...