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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Saturday cartoon

Opinion: University academic dishonesty policies need some room for understanding

By Lura Stabiler March 27, 2022

It is a busy school week. Assignments are piling up. You have exams in your two hardest classes. If you do not pass those exams, you will not get the credits you need to complete your degree. On top of...

A group of students walks through the Parade Ground on Mar. 3, 2021 toward the LSU Law Center.

Opinion: Being present for others requires reducing yourself, not providing insight or experiences

By Gideon Fortune March 27, 2022

“Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself,” the Bible (KJV) says in Matthew 22:39. Unless your clone is living next door, be intentional about learning what your neighbor appreciates and stop...

A couple holds each other's hands on the way to class on Monday, Feb. 6, 2017, on the university's campus.

Opinion: Technology, casual dating unnecessarily complicate the search for a serious match

By Mia Coco March 25, 2022

Hookup culture and technology have made dating more difficult than ever, and college students are getting tired of treating dating as a game to play in their free time.  Coming into college, women...

The State Capitol sits beyond a lake on Sunday, Feb. 6, 2022, at 900 North Third Street in Baton Rouge, La.

Quick Takes: Are you optimistic for progress or dreading what’s to come this legislative session?

By Opinion Staff March 24, 2022

"As the Legislature has begun proceedings, we have seen what many in the body truly value, and it isn't pretty. From attacking LGBTQ children in schools, restricting abortion access, attempting to ban...

Getting job post-grad cartoon

Opinion: Getting a career after college is often based on luck, not merit

By Kacey Buercklin March 24, 2022

It can seem impossible to find a career after college graduation. Rejection after rejection leaves college students feeling hopeless in their job search, wondering if a degree was worth the years of work. Applying...

Phone addiction cartoon

Opinion: Excessive TikTok use destroys attention spans, student potential

By Noah McKinney March 22, 2022

Most college students have heard their parents complain that young people are always on their phones. It’s easy to dismiss this criticism as older generations being out of touch with modern...


Opinion: Soccer continues to grow in the U.S., and you should get behind it

By Spencer Verret March 22, 2022

Sports have long been a major part of culture in the United States. However, one sport that has never really caught on to that culture is soccer. When the FIFA World Cup comes around, Americans are...

A sign that reads "Praying for Ukraine" sits on the wall Friday, March 4, 2022 at the for the Ukraine supoort event at the LSU International Cultural Center on Dalrymple Drive in Baton Rouge, La.

Opinion: United States should not implement a no-fly zone over Ukraine

By Frank Kidd March 20, 2022

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy asked the United States to declare Ukraine a no-fly zone in a virtual address last Wednesday. His request comes as a response to Russia's frequent bombings of Ukraine....

Homework on weekends cartoon

Opinion: Online homework encourages procrastination, poor school-life balance

By Mia Coco March 19, 2022

The pandemic has brought online learning to the forefront of education systems. While these services offered benefits during quarantine, the harm that online homework does to students outweighs the positives. Online...

LSU President William F. Tate testifies to the Senate Finance Committee on March 8, 2022. 

Opinion: Legislature should fund Tate’s ‘scholarship first agenda’ to secure Louisiana’s future

By Charlie Stephens March 18, 2022

LSU President William Tate IV laid out his scholarship-first agenda in front of the Louisiana Senate Finance Committee earlier this month. His plan directs the university in five crucial focus areas: agriculture,...

Opinion: The Main Street Market is a hidden gem of Baton Rouge

Opinion: The Main Street Market is a hidden gem of Baton Rouge

By Lura Stabiler March 16, 2022

If you are bored on a Saturday morning or just want a good way to start the day, the Baton Rouge farmer’s market is the place to be. I am not the type to wake up early any morning, especially on...

Study abroad cartoon

Opinion: Students should take advantage of study abroad opportunities as programs reopen

By Noah McKinney March 15, 2022

Before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the Association of International Educators estimated that almost 350,000 American students were studying in a foreign nation.This included many LSU students...