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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Off the Cuff

By With Jay Melder
November 14, 2003

Maybe I'm a little late on this issue, but what's the deal with all this Greek hazing stuff? I mean, I think schwaerma stinks too, but I still eat it. Humus-you can't beat it ... or maybe you can; with...

Augustus leads Lady Tigers into action

By Chris Gibson, Contributing Writer
November 14, 2003

Coach Sue Gunter was asked about preseason Southeastern Conference Player of the Year Seimone Augustus, and like a well-skilled player, Gunter used a pumped fake of her own. "Seimone who?" Gunter sarcastically...

Centers to host holiday meals for internationals

By Adam Causey, Staff Writer
November 14, 2003

Many University students look forward to eating turkey, dressing and sweet potato pie with their families for Thanksgiving. But international students often are thousands of miles away from their families...

Contest targets voter turnout in runoff

By Laura Milazzo, Contributing Writer
November 14, 2003

The president of Zapp's Potato Chips hopes to encourage voting this weekend by offering a full year's supply of Zapp's to the first three participants who correctly predict who will win the governor's...

Tigers, Tide to tussle in Tuscaloosa

By Bryan Wideman, Sportswriter
November 14, 2003

While LSU wide receiver Michael Clayton sat down Monday to endure hundreds of questions from reporters, he began to pat his heart. Having heart is a term used in sports to describe the drive of a player...

Senate upholds veto of bill

By Laura Patz, Chief Staff Writer
November 14, 2003

The Student Senate spent Wednesday night wrapped up in controversy surrounding the online voting bill and its process of submission to the president. Prior to the Senate's meeting, Student Government President...

Honors college pays tribute to associate dean

By Jaci Cole, Staff Writer
November 14, 2003

The Honors College recognized 20 years of service Wednesday night from one of its finest professors and his "escape from administration." At least that's what former Honors College Dean Billy Seay called...

Compatriot Games

By Amanda Duhon, Contributing Writer
November 14, 2003

Model airplanes and Frisbees flew over the Parade Ground yesterday kicking off the fierce competition, the Battle of the Blues. Air Force ROTC upper and lower class cadets competed against each other,...


November 14, 2003

TODAY Friday, Nov. 14 Wargaming and Roleplaying at LSU * Roleplaying and gaming at Tureaud * 7 p.m. - till, Tureaud Hall * Contact [email protected] African Students Organization * General meeting *...

Recruiting Services strives to diversify student body

By Rebecca Markway, Contributing Writer
November 14, 2003

They are the people behind the plan - the workhorses going out in the field - to bring the best and the brightest high school students to LSU. The Office of Recruiting Services, which just completed moving...

VH-1 becoming ‘cool’

By Kim Moreau, Revelry Writer
November 13, 2003

Watching VH1 used to be synonymous with being uncool. VH1 represented all that was Adult Contemporary and on the verge of Easy Listening, home to artists like Seal, Hootie and the Blowfish and and Lyle...

Local returns with new studio, creative workout program

By Angella Semons, Revelry Writer
November 13, 2003

Dance-club aerobic instructor Steve Hood expanded his modern exercise method with his first studio, properly named "Steve Hood's Total Dance Experience." His innovative techniques of exercising and having...