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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University




November 14, 2003

TODAY Friday, Nov. 14 Wargaming and Roleplaying at LSU * Roleplaying and gaming at Tureaud * 7 p.m. - till, Tureaud Hall * Contact [email protected] African Students Organization * General meeting *...

Recruiting Services strives to diversify student body

By Rebecca Markway, Contributing Writer
November 14, 2003

They are the people behind the plan - the workhorses going out in the field - to bring the best and the brightest high school students to LSU. The Office of Recruiting Services, which just completed moving...

Some suggestions for the University’s image

By Seth Fox, Columnist
November 14, 2003

I think it was the ancient Greek philosopher Anonymous who said it best, "If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem." I've spent the better part of my life trying to be part of the...

Letter to the Editor

November 14, 2003

Advice from Latiolais' older sister A few weeks ago, I lost my younger brother, Kurt James Latiolais II, to an apartment fire. Kurt was 15 months younger than me, and we had a very close relationship. He...

Georgia, Florida to stay on track in tight SEC East race

By Jason Doré, Contributing Writer
November 14, 2003

Mississippi State + 23 (2-7, 1-4 Southeastern Conference) at No. 13 Tennessee (7-2, 3-2), 11:30 a.m.. The Volunteers are currently on a three-game winning streak, including last week's upset victory over...

Shula brings NFL experience to troubled Tide

By Ronnie McLellan, Sportswriter
November 14, 2003

As the son of legendary NFL coach Don Shula, Mike Shula is striving toward his own career coaching goals as Alabama's head coach. Shula became Alabama's third coach in less than six months when he was...

‘Bloody’ ID cards

By Ryan Merryman, Columnist
November 14, 2003

The announcement, though in the pipes for a while, that the United Kingdom will move to adopt mandatory Identification Cards by 2013 was a sudden one. Though nothing, after the emasculation of the House...

Bush visit in support of Jindal unlikely

By Justin Robicheaux, Staff Writer
November 14, 2003

In the weeks leading up to the gubernatorial runoff there has been speculation that President Bush may make a trip to Louisiana to offer support for Republican candidate Bobby Jindal. But as the campaign...

Researchers study yeast, beetles

Researchers study yeast, beetles

By Lauren Wilbert, Staff Writer
November 14, 2003

Beetles and yeast - an unexpected combination, but nonetheless they are topics of interest to some in the Life Sciences Building. Meredith Blackwell, a Department of Biological Sciences professor, said...

Off the Cuff

By With Jay Melder
November 14, 2003

Maybe I'm a little late on this issue, but what's the deal with all this Greek hazing stuff? I mean, I think schwaerma stinks too, but I still eat it. Humus-you can't beat it ... or maybe you can; with...

Revelry Ranks

Revelry Ranks

November 13, 2003

Josh Groban "Closer" By Leslie Branton, Revelry Writer Josh Groban's second album, "Closer," picks up where his self-titled debut left off. The 13-track album contains Groban's traditional classical/Broadway...

Latino Greek orgs sought

By Laura Patz, Chief Staff Writer
November 13, 2003

The LSU Greek community is looking to expand and diversify itself by bringing Latino fraternities and sororities to campus. Jerrel Wade, assistant director of Greek Affairs, said the Office of Greek Affairs...