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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



The Morning After

By With Sarah Gernhauser
November 13, 2003

Once upon a time there was a relationship. The two lovers met in Psychology 1001 and fell madly in love. She was a small town beauty and he was a big city prince. It was not long after they fell in love...

Tailback wreaks havoc

By Bryan Wideman, Sportswriter
November 13, 2003

Amid the probation and losing season, there is a bright spot in Alabama's 2003 football season - running back Shaud Williams. Williams is not only leading the Southeastern Conference with 1,140 rushing...

Revelry Ranks

Revelry Ranks

November 13, 2003

Josh Groban "Closer" By Leslie Branton, Revelry Writer Josh Groban's second album, "Closer," picks up where his self-titled debut left off. The 13-track album contains Groban's traditional classical/Broadway...

Latino Greek orgs sought

By Laura Patz, Chief Staff Writer
November 13, 2003

The LSU Greek community is looking to expand and diversify itself by bringing Latino fraternities and sororities to campus. Jerrel Wade, assistant director of Greek Affairs, said the Office of Greek Affairs...

Film Fleecing

By A Kevin Brook Production
November 13, 2003

While the record and movie industry have taken action against illegal downloaders, recent research claims most of the pirated material comes from industry "insiders." The study from AT&T Labs has created...

Practice continues to impress Saban

By Ronnie McLellan, Sportswriter
November 13, 2003

LSU handled business in practice much better this week than it did in game preparations after its first bye week when the Tigers lost to Florida on Oct. 11, 19-7, coach Nick Saban said at his Wednesday...

List rates admissions standards

By Amanda McElfresh, Staff Writer
November 13, 2003

The Atlantic Monthly magazine recently released a list of universities with the most selective admissions criteria, and no Southern schools are on the list. Despite this, officials say the University's...

Fees may increase for international students

By Marti Buckley
November 13, 2003

International students are facing the possibility of being charged a new fee to study at universities in the United States. The Department of Homeland Security proposed a rule Oct. 27 that would add a...

Tigers struggle against Arkansas

By Michael McNeil, Contributing Writer
November 13, 2003

The LSU volleyball team continues to struggle and is stumbling into the postseason. Arkansas shut out the Tigers 3-0 in Fayetteville, Ark. on Wednesday to drop LSU to 11-17 on the season. LSU fell to 6-9...

Santa greets pets at holiday event

By Jessica Wainwright, Contributing Writer
November 13, 2003

A long line of little reindeer and elves waited patiently outside of Gillette's Photography Studios Sunday to take pictures with Santa Claus. Although it seems like this is a normal holiday family outing,...

Group seeks Native American culture courses

By Jaci Cole, Staff Writer
November 13, 2003

Though LSU has classes for the study of women, blacks and internationals, there are no courses dedicated to the study of Native Americans. And Nick Ng-A-Fook, an education doctoral student, wants to change...


November 13, 2003

TODAY Thursday, Nov. 13 Office of Greek Affairs * Information and interest session for Latino Greek lettered organization * 6 p.m., Royal Cotillion Ballroom * Contact Jerre; Wade, [email protected] or 578-6056 American...