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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Several arrested for alleged violence, DWI

LSUPD officers arrested three individuals during the past month on various unrelated charges. Officers responded to a disturbance May 14 at Nicholson Apartments. Arnold Agujar, age unknown, of 13836 Shortridge...


June 9, 2003

AACC, BLACK FACULTY & STAFF CAUCUS, AND UPC * The Third Annual Juneteenth Celebration * Friday, June 13 * 4:30-7:30 p.m., African American Cultural Center * For more information call 578-7116 OFFICE...

Geauxing back to Omaha

Geauxing back to Omaha

By Amanda Vierck, Staff Writer
June 9, 2003

In front of a record crowd of 7,492 at Alex Box Stadium onSunday, the LSU baseball team posted 19 hits and 20 runs to earn aspot in the College World Series in Omaha, Neb., for the first timein three years. The...

Safety to stay top priority

Despite the arrest of serial killer suspect Derrick Todd Lee, University officials say they have no plans to decrease the safety precautions implemented on campus. Robin Dunkin, University Relations marketing...

Tigers survive for one more game

                Inan effort to keep its season alive, the LSU baseball team found away to win, 6-5, Saturday against Baylor...

Baylor stuns Tigers at home

By Graham L. Thomas
June 6, 2003

        A disaster of aneighth inning for LSU both at the plate and in the field made allthe difference Friday as Baylor stunned LSU 4-1 in the first gameof the...

Clutch heroics lead Tigers over UNC-Wilmington

Click here to view the slide show -->   UNCW BASEBALL In a game filled with many heroes in the previous innings and an8-8 score in the 11th inning, LSU right fielder JonZeringue provided the...

UNCW plays well in regional defeat

By Jason Martin, contributing writer
June 1, 2003

Usually, when a LSU baseball team wins a Baton Rouge regional,it takes a victory lap around Alex Box Stadium to receivecongratulations and Mardi Gras beads from the fans.            WhileLSU...

Bumstead pitches out of jam, earns win

By Jason Martin, Contributing Writer
May 31, 2003

If LSU coach Smoke Laval had any second thoughts about starting ace pitcher Nate Bumstead against Tulane on Saturday, perhaps they were in the bottom of the sixth inning. With the Tigers clinging to a...

Tigers hammer Wave, advance to regional finals

For the first six innings Saturday, the much anticipated LSU-Tulane matchup lived up to its hype with LSU leading 3-2 before a noisy, LSU-dominated crowd of 7,091 at the Baton Rouge regional in Alex Box...

Holt, Tompkins breakout of slump, lead Tigers to victory

By Jace Reynolds
May 31, 2003

While LSU's Jake Tompkins and J.C. Holt have not producednumbers this year similar to their stellar 2002 seasons, bothturned in solid outings in LSU's opening regional win overNortheastern.            Tompkins,the...

Tigers power past Northeastern in regional opener

    The LSU baseball team started itspostseason in fine fashion Friday afternoon with an 11-8 win overNortheastern University before 6,242 fans at Alex Box Stadium.     The...