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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Off the Cuff

By Adam Causey
June 9, 2003

I just returned to LSU after spending a semester on the West Coast studying at California State University, Chico. Before I left, a lot of people at LSU cracked f jokes about staying away from hippies...

Powerlifters compete in finals

Powerlifters compete in finals

By Amanda Vierck, Staff Writer
June 9, 2003

The 2003 Junior National Powerlifting Championships, held at the Baton Rouge Radisson, gave home court advantage to two members of the LSU Powerlifting team. Students Kenneth Reynolds and Steven McLawchlin...

Police finish serial killer puzzle

Police finish serial killer puzzle

Serial killer task force investigators said they tried for 10 months to connect the pieces of the killer's puzzle without first seeing a picture. Throughout May, they finally were able to put together...

Safety lingers in students’ minds

After the capture of suspected serial killer Derrick Todd Lee, students share mixed opinions about whether women still will be aware of their surroundings. Amber Matthews, a psychology sophomore, said...

A call for leniency

By Hannah Anderson, Columnist
June 9, 2003

For many Louisianans, the 1991 Louisiana gubernatorial runoff between three-term Gov. Edwin Edwards and former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke was a race from hell. Voters were forced to decide who was...

ICC welcomes students

ICC welcomes students

By Amanda Duhon, Contributing Writer
June 9, 2003

Stanley Oghumu, a Nigerian graduate student in civil engineering, came to the University jet lagged and not knowing where he was going to live. Oghumu's 15-hour trip from Nigeria to Louisiana had no major...

Several arrested for alleged violence, DWI

LSUPD officers arrested three individuals during the past month on various unrelated charges. Officers responded to a disturbance May 14 at Nicholson Apartments. Arnold Agujar, age unknown, of 13836 Shortridge...


June 9, 2003

AACC, BLACK FACULTY & STAFF CAUCUS, AND UPC * The Third Annual Juneteenth Celebration * Friday, June 13 * 4:30-7:30 p.m., African American Cultural Center * For more information call 578-7116 OFFICE...

Geauxing back to Omaha

Geauxing back to Omaha

By Amanda Vierck, Staff Writer
June 9, 2003

In front of a record crowd of 7,492 at Alex Box Stadium onSunday, the LSU baseball team posted 19 hits and 20 runs to earn aspot in the College World Series in Omaha, Neb., for the first timein three years. The...

Safety to stay top priority

Despite the arrest of serial killer suspect Derrick Todd Lee, University officials say they have no plans to decrease the safety precautions implemented on campus. Robin Dunkin, University Relations marketing...

Study links video games, better sight

By Justin Robicheaux, Staff Writer
June 9, 2003

A University of Rochester study recently found that video games actually "sharpen the mind." The study found young adults who regularly play video games have improved visual skills compared to those who...

The truth of the matter

By Kayla Gagnet, Editor-in-chief
June 9, 2003

I feel sorry for Michael Kinney. The 29-year-old from Sedalia, Mo., was fired last week. I'm not concerned that he lost his job, because he deserved to. The reason he earns my sympathy is because his firing...