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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Looking back on the year

By Jessica Waldon, Sports Editor
May 8, 2003

It is the final word from me. I just finished my last class, and I only have one final next week. To say a fond farewell for all of you sports fans, I decided to sum up the school year with the top stories...

Harmful ideology

Out of ideas

By Korey Harvey, Columnist
May 8, 2003

I've said in the past that Congressional liberals would backtrack in their strong anti-war sentiment following a successful military intervention to liberate Iraq. Not to my surprise, they, especially...

West Nile virus threat still looms

As the weather warms up, the threat of West Nile may increase this summer, causing residents to take precautions. Besides protecting themselves, residents should also protect their yards from becoming...

Baseball hosts Auburn

By Bryan Wideman, Sports Writer
May 8, 2003

Alex Box Stadium will be the setting for a playoff atmosphere this weekend when No. 17 Auburn comes to Baton Rouge for a three-game series with No. 8 LSU. LSU (33-16-1, 16-7-1 Southeastern Conference)...

International void

International void

By James Gaddy, Staff Writer
May 8, 2003

Standing like a monument to LSU's international history, a live oak on Dalrymple Drive shadows a plaque dedicating the tree in honor of Latin American revolutionary Simon Bolivar. The Venezuelan Student...

RHA makes final decision on election winners

The Residence Hall Association elected a new president and vice president Monday, after nearly four weeks of debate and controversy. Current RHA President Michael Krom said the Executive Board chose to...


May 8, 2003

Today - Friday, May 9 LSU Baseball vs. AuburnFirst pitch at 6:30 p.m.Students get in FREE with ID Guest Speaker, Dr. Jeffrey EhrenreichDepartment of Anthropology at the University of New Orleans"Doing...

Planned dress code protest lacks attendance

Planned dress code protest lacks attendance

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? Well what if a protest is scheduled, but no one shows up to protest? Does it get a point across? Justice For Us All, a...

Cell phones benefit University workers

By Amanda McElfresh, Staff Writer
May 8, 2003

The University foots the bill for several employee cell phones, including personnel from Facility Services, the Office of Telecommunications and the Vet School. According to the Office of Accounting Services,...

LSUPD makes multiple arrests

LSUPD arrested two individuals last week for remaining on campus after being forbidden. An officer patrolling the Quad April 29 observed Linda Aldridge, 50, of 837 Steel Blvd., Baton Rouge, using computers...

Track and field readies for final meets

Both the LSU men's and women's track and field teams will compete for national championships in June, but the Tigers still have business to finish at the Southeastern Conference and regional meets later...

Off the cuff

By Rebekah Monson
May 8, 2003

Time's up. Pencils down. My tenure as Cuffist has come to a very timely end. I will miss y'all, but I promise I leave you in very competent hands. So, now's the time to be sappy about how much I loved...