1. BlackBerry messed up already
Last week, I detailed BlackBerry’s (formerly Research In Motion) plans to get back in the smartphone game with BlackBerry 10 and their new handset, the BlackBerry z10.
I said it would be difficult for the once-powerful company to gain market share if it couldn’t convince consumers BlackBerry offered something different and better than iOS or Android.
So they spent millions of dollars on a Super Bowl ad that said absolutely none of that:
It didn’t just ignore the selling points of the z10 and BlackBerry 10, it ignored some basic advertising rules, like telling the audience why they should buy your product.
What did viewers learn about the z10 from this commercial? Literally nothing, except that there is something called the BlackBerry z10 and it is being sold by BlackBerry.
“Oh, don’t you remember them from like five years ago?”
Nope. And neither does anyone else.
2. The Future of Playstation
It looks like we’ll get a look at the next Playstation console a few months early.
Sony invited several media outlets and investors (unfortunately excluding The Reveille) to a press conference in New York City on Feb. 20 to see “the future” of Playstation.
Rumors and leaked documentation say the console is codenamed “Orbis” and will feature a redesigned controller with an integrated screen similar to the Wii U.
Though it would be nice to see pricing and availability shown at the event, I wouldn’t hold your breath. I’m predicting a conference similar to the one that debuted the Playstation Vita.
Sony will show you what Orbis looks like and what it does, nothing more.