“Don’t try to be anybody else” was one of the pieces of advice WWL News Anchor Sally-Ann Roberts gave Tuesday afternoon. Roberts spoke to the association of black communicators about her career as well as personal struggles along the way.
“The biggest obstacle I had to face was the woman in the mirror and making sure that I corrected my thinking and thought of myself in away that was more accurate,” Roberts said.
Roberts said that by being an anchor she can raise awareness on many issues.
“Sometimes you can bring something out of that sad story of the children that are malnourished maybe we shed light on the need for foster parents we shed light on the need for adopting,” she said.
Students were fascinated by Roberts and asked many questions about how to get involved in the TV industry.
“You never know who is observing you here at LSU, when you’re on the job or internship. You never know whose eye you may catch.”
Before she left, Roberts encouraged students to pursue their dreams as journalists.
“Go for it we need more broadcasters who are devoted, people who are devoted to the community and presenting news fairly and accurately,” Roberts said.
Sally-Ann Roberts visits LSU
March 11, 2014
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