According to an article by University Primetime, hookups are most common in ages 18-24. College students say that by senior year, 72 percent have had one or more hook ups. Men average around 10 hookups, and women average around 7 hookups. Eighteen percent of college students meet their hookups at bars, while 11 percent meet on social networking sites like Tinder.
Apps like Tinder seem like a matchmaker. The home page of their website have stories of people falling in love through the app and getting engaged.
However, many LSU students do not view the app that way.
“Seeing people on an app, you can kind of frame it to be whoever you want, or show pictures you like the most of yourself, so I don’t really know how trustworthy it is,” LSU senior Sammy Nevin said.
“You just get it on your phone and everyone’s now into texting instead of talking on the phone,” LSU junior Tori Smith added. “Talking on the internet, you don’t really have to meet in person, so I guess it’s easier just to like do it from your phone instead of going up to someone.”
LSU freshman Andrew Osborne said, “if you really want to form an actual relationship with someone, you’re going to have to meet them in person.”
Christen Cummins of the Student Health Center said that whether you are meeting people online or at the bars, it is always important to be cautious when bringing someone into your home.
“Obvious dangers might be assault, sexual assault in some cases, any kind of criminal activity,” Cummins said. “I think you could end up being robbed. I think there are many ways that if someone is not healthy that they could abuse or manipulate somebody based on that. I think it’s risky.”
Swipe Right! LSU Student Opinions, Tinder
November 10, 2015
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