Taylor Cox and Carrie Hebert are from different corners of the state, and in many ways, from different corners of campus.
Cox, a Bossier City native, has served as the Student Government assistant director of student outreach, an LSU Ambassador, Recruit LSU and other, smaller campus organizations. Hebert, who hails from Thibodaux, has a background in Greek Life. She is a member of the Kappa Delta sorority and is currently the Director of Recruitment on the Panhellenic Council and is involved in smaller clubs around campus.
Hebert said that their differences are what would make them good representatives of the diverse student body. If elected, they said they
would implement a Student Diversity Advisory Board that could provide a platform for all their constituents to be represented in student government proceedings.
An informed and active student body would be key components to the most important of Cox and Hebert’s initiatives. When the discussion
turned to the budget crisis, Cox said that University students must take a stand against unwarranted tuition hikes. He advocated a combination of
activism and reform within the state legislature to protect student interests throughout the budget crisis.
Their campaign initiatives specific to budget cuts include the implementation of a letter writing campaign and potentially a day to rally at
the state capitol.
For more information on the Be Heard candidates go to lsureveille.com.
Tune in tomorrow for a feature on the Your LSU campaign.
Paul Braun, Reveille Radio News
Contact Paul Braun at [email protected]
SG Presidential Candidate Series Part 2: Be Heard
March 20, 2012