In response to “Evolution: theory, not fact,” in Feb. 7 edition of the Technician. I have voiced my opinion on the uproar caused by this article in the comments section. I told my father about what was going on because he always has something insightful to say. He said, “They are a bunch of fascist hypocrites parading around as liberal progressives that think that everyone is entitled to an opinion unless that opinion is contrary to their ideology. Then, all of a sudden, you are not allowed to have an opinion.” I completely agree with him. Ms. Murphy stated an opinion and everyone twisted her words. Some were hateful. Others were a bit more respectful, but some people have taken it too far to the point of harassment, both online and in a personal manner. Alexandra Risku former N.C. State student
Letter to the Editor: RE: Evolution: theory not fact
February 8, 2012
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