Nathan Yuhas, a University environmental engineering student, was released from Orleans Parish Prison on Saturday on $100,000 bond, according to Yuhas, 18, was charged with principal to attempt first-degree murder after allegedly helping his friend Nicole Boover kill her mother.
Boover, a 19-year-old University biological sciences student, remains in prison on a charge of attempted first-degree murder. Her bond is set for $500,000.
Yuhas was with Boover when she fired three shots at the front door of her mother’s apartment Oct. 8 in New Orleans.
Police reports say Boover planned to kill her mother for inheritance money then flee the state. Yuhas told police he was offered a $50,000 cut for his help.
Police said Boover and Yuhas bought gloves, duct tape and masks like those from the “Scream” movie franchise with them to Boover’s mother’s apartment.