Yet another pedestrian struck by a vehicle on campus adds to multiple incidents over the last three weeks that have resulted in hospitalized students and increasing traffic enforcement efforts from the LSU Police Department.
Only two days after a student skateboarding in front of the Music and Dramatics Art Building was hit, another student crossing the street was struck Friday around 12:25 p.m. by a vehicle turning left onto Highland Road from South Stadium Drive.
LSUPD Spokesman Capt. Cory Lalonde said the driver was ticketed because the student had the right of way. The driver had a green light but did not have a green left turn arrow. The student had minor injuries but was not brought to the hospital by emergency responders, Lalonde said.
The other incidents occurred over past weeks and often involved students who had the right of way:
· Dominic Gulino was run over by a Facility Services truck in the Quad on Oct. 4
· Jinjuta Jirawatjunya was struck Oct. 10 while crossing at the corner of Nicholson Road and North Stadium Drive
· Andrew Rauch was knocked off his skateboard Oct. 17 on Dalrymple Drive in front of the Music and Dramatic Arts Building
Lalonde said efforts to increase the effectiveness of traffic enforcement will begin this week in response to the increased accidents.
A broadcast email sent to the University community Friday reiterated increased enforcement and rules of the road. The email told
pedestrians, drivers and cyclists to be aware of any approaching hazards even if green traffic lights or white walking lights are illuminated. Cyclists were reminded that even bicycles have to yield to pedestrians, which includes walkers and skateboarders.
Interim System President and Chancellor William “Bill” Jenkins said in a statement that campus safety is a top priority and ways to improve traffic safety are being considered.
“There is great concern anytime an accident occurs on campus,” Jenkins said.