I’m writing in response to the despicable article that was published this week. Uproar in the Greek community and the non-Greek community as well has begun because of this ridiculous article.
To ridicule someone, much less a collective of people, for dressing how they please is absurd. I guarantee you the smiling students in the photos were not aware they were going to be harassed for their fashion decisions.
As writers, you have the fine and unique ability to generate buzz about whichever topics you choose, but to write such a scathing article only to specific groups is obscene.
Nike shorts, short men’s shorts, oversized T-shirts, and comfortable tennis shoes are fashion statements not only made popular by the Greek community of LSU but by most students on this campus. These trends are so popular that most students sport this kind of attire. Attempting to align a particular group of people with an insanely popular trend merely suggests the author is choosing to be blatantly blind about the other 80 percent of students on this campus or that he is specifically and purposely trying to generate a response from people he offends.
Why create an unnecessary divide between Greeks and non-Greeks? Do we all not have our organizations we pay money for? Are we all more importantly not here for an education? Who cares how you dress as long as you get a degree?
I would argue that for most students, comfort outweighs outfit anxiety any day and to those who dress uniquely and brilliantly, I believe most people envy your style and appreciate your differences. I dare argue that no one would write such a caustic, bitter-sounding article about your unique fashion choices.
Ultimately, this article appears to be nothing more than a bored student trying to cause disruption between people’s differences. Rather than encouraging and celebrating the diversity as a whole at LSU, he has chosen to create segregation between organizations. The Reveille should be ashamed by this article because at the end of the day we all love purple and live gold.