It isn’t often an artist has multiple consecutive high-quality albums. But “Gossamer,” the latest effort by electro-pop band Passion Pit, is fantastic in almost every way. From the opening track and first single, “Take a Walk” to “On My Way,” the album is a non-stop parade of techo beats, sound clips and Michael Angelakos’ high-pitched voice. There’s not much to criticize – “Gossamer” is that good – but the never-ending euphoria of the tracks does begin to wear on the listener toward the end of the album. And casual music listeners will have to get used to Angelakos’ unique singing style, but that’s a love-hate type of thing. Some tracks are also weaker than others – especially “Constant Conversations” – but the remaining tracks are so good, it doesn’t even matter. “Gossamer” is worth listening to several times over.
RevRanks: Passion Pit, “Gossamer”
July 25, 2012