What do Robin Hood, Oliver Twist, Tale of Two Cities and Braveheart have in common? These literary tales and more are all thrown together in one single film title and capped off with a man in a cape running around Gotham City. The Dark Knight Rises was okay, but honestly no movie could live up to the hype that surrounded its release, nor could it reach the standards “The Dark Knight” set. The two hour and 45 minute ending to the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy was one of the rare three-hour films that actually suffered from being too short. Character development for Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman and even Batman himself could have drastically enhanced the film, but the multi-plotline structure clogged up a lot of screen time. TDKR is absolutely worth seeing, but moviegoers shouldn’t expect the mind-blowing epic that was promised.
RevRanks: “The Dark Knight Rises”
July 25, 2012