Two in-house athletic officials have added their names to the applicant pool for LSU’s athletic director position. Senior associate athletic directors Herb Vincent and Mark Ewing submitted their applications this past week to Atlanta’s Parker Executive Search, which is facilitating the search to replace outgoing Athletic Director Skip Bertman. The athletic director search committee meets at 3:30 p.m. today to discuss four new applicants. In addition to Vincent and Ewing, the committee will consider Craig Angelos, Florida Atlantic University athletic director, and William Weidner, former University of Central Florida deputy athletic director. If the committee votes to approve the four new applicants, they will join six current candidates in the active applicants pool. Those in the pool include: Verge Ausberry, LSU senior associate athletic director; Jeff Barber, Liberty University athletic director; Tom Bowen, San Jose State athletic director; Stan Harris, ForeFront Group CEO and former restaurant developer; Greg McGarity, Florida executive associate athletic director; and Michael McNeely, former Indiana University athletic director. Both Vincent and Ewing said Parker representatives informed them they were nominated for the position. Ewing has been with the LSU athletic department since 2001, when he began as an associate athletic director with a focus in business operations and facility planning and held positions as a budget analyst, budget director and internal auditor for the LSU. “We all have our strengths and weaknesses,” Ewing said of the in-house applicants. “I heard they were looking for somebody with a business background, and I’ve got that. I would like the opportunity to interview and share that experience.” Vincent previously served as associate athletic director for external affairs from 2002 to 2006 and as associate athletic director for communications from 1992 to 2000. He began at LSU in 1988 in the sports information department. Vincent has held a variety of positions with a focus in communications and public relations, including stints with the Southeastern Conference and the College Sports Southeast television network. “This is probably the best job in America,” Vincent said. “The main thing is, I want to do whatever it is LSU wants me to do. If I’m asked to serve as the athletic director, I would very much like that. Jack Weiss, Paul M. Hebert Law Center chancellor and committee chairperson, said the committee aims to have a selection by the end of March.
Vincent, Ewing throw names into hat for athletic director job (3/7/08)
March 10, 2008