The most popular items in the Student Union Tiger Lair are also the most unhealthy, but Student Health Center dietician Vanessa Richard said Tiger Lair offers healthy options – students just do not choose them. For the past two years, Chick-fil-A has been the Tiger Lair’s best seller, outselling its closest competitor, Pizza Hut, by more than $300,000, according to Tiger Lair sales figures. Waffle fries are the most popular item at Chick-fil-A, selling 22,555 units in August and September this past semester. Chick-fil-A’s eight-piece nuggets, sold 13,482 units in August and September this past semester – 9,073 units less than the waffle fries. Pizza Hut’s most popular menu item is the pepperoni pizza, which sold 4,000 units more per month than cheese pizza – the store’s next top seller during August and September this past semester. “In terms of healthy choices in the Union, those are not the healthy options,” Richard said. Richard said Pizza Hut does not offer a healthy alternative. She said if she had to choose an item, she would pick the cheese pizza because it has less toppings. Richard said a healthier Chick-fil-A choice is the chargrilled sandwich with fruit as a side or the grilled chicken salad. Some students said they pick Chick-fil-A because of the ease. “It’s easy,” said Amy Laviolette, music freshman. “You can just walk up and get it.” Some students also said they choose Chick-fil-A because they feel it is healthier than other fast food alternatives. Laviolette said she chooses Chick-fil-A over McDonald’s because it is not as greasy. Not all students said they think Chick-fil-A is healthier. Many students said they know the food is unhealthy, but they do not care. “I don’t think you can be [health conscious] if you like Chick-fil-A,” said Brinley Peters, biology freshman. Lynn Kazda, accounting freshman, said she does not get Chick-fil-A for health reasons; she gets it because it tastes good. “If you want to do Chick-fil-A, you have to go bad,” said Heather Lanier, biology freshman. But Richard disagrees. “The fast food restaurants have healthier options – you just have to choose them,” Richard said. Richard said if you have to have the fried chicken nuggets or sandwich, you can substitute the fries for a small side salad, fruit or yogurt. If students feel they must have both fried dishes, they can avoid about 200 calories by opting for a sugar-free beverage, Richard said. And extra-large fountain drinks are the most-sold drinks in Tiger Lair, according to the Tiger Lair sales figures. Richard also said if students want a hamburger, they could opt for a plain burger. If she had to rate fast food retailers in the Union on healthiness, Richard said she would rate Blimpie first. She said McDonald’s would be next because of the variety of options it offers customers, and Chick-fil-A would follow. Richard would rate Pizza Hut last.
—-Contact Allen Womble at [email protected]
Students opt for unhealthy choices in Union
By Allen Womble
April 11, 2008