The forever debated phenomena, love at first sight, seems like just a blockbuster seller, but for some it translates into real life. A Gallup poll showed 52 percent of Americans believe in love at first sight. The same poll also said age may affect the belief. While 60 percent of people between the age of 18 and 29 say they believe the idea, the numbers decrease with age, and 56 percent of people between 30 and 49 believe in love at first sight. While love is in the air around Valentine’s Day, University students have their own opinions about love at first sight. “I think it exists,” said Danielle Galan, psychology senior. But it’s not what Hollywood makes is out to be, she added. She said when she met her husband, fireworks did not go off, but something special happened inside her. “You can be attracted the first time you meet someone,” said Chelsea Segura, kinesiology sophomore. “But you have to get to know them.” While it has never happened to her, Shellie Babin, general studies senior, said she has a friend who said she found love at first sight and is now marrying him. “Honestly, I think love is a thing that has to develop,” said Brian Mautner, mass communication junior. “I believe in initial attraction, but love is developed over time.” The Gallup poll also showed a higher percentage of men said they had experienced love at first sight. While students seem more skeptical about the idea of love at first sight, many are more open to the idea of a “soul mate”. The Gallup poll said 75 percent of participants believe everyone has “one true love.” “I believe you are destined to be with someone and only that one person forever,” Segura said. Mautner said he thinks people have one person that is meant for them, even though it might take a while to find that person. “I definitely believe in one,” said Elizabeth Wall, communication studies junior. “But you can’t just look at somebody and know.” Michael Mericle, English senior, said there is not exactly one person for everyone, but there is a certain type of person that everyone should be with.
—-Contact Joy Lukachick at [email protected]
Poll measures love questions
February 14, 2008
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