We deserve the Student Government we demand. This board has often critcized SG’s past actions and policies. But the work SG performs is necessary; without it, students’ interests and desires would go unrepresented. Some students may think SG doesn’t matter, and the organization doesn’t do anything. That’s simply incorrect. SG decides how tuition and fee money is spent — sometimes with profound impact. SG recently allocated $40,000 to pay for an assessment of the Capitol Area Transit System by Mitch Skyer, a consultant for the Solstice Transportation Group. That’s a large sum of student money, and privatizing the bus service will have a significant and lasting impact on the University community. That’s merely one example of SG’s influence.Like it or not, SG matters. But to be a truly effective and representative body for the University community, student participation is necessary. There is still time to decide to join SG. There is a slew of positions — both elected and by appointment — open to the student body on the University Court, Senate and College Council. Filing for these positions begins Monday and ends Wednesday — from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Union lobby. We hear students’ complaints about SG — often with good reason — all the time. But instead of simply complaining, students have a chance to take action. After all, we deserve the SG we demand — why not take the opportunity to help create it?
Our View: Don’t like Student Government? Do something about it
October 2, 2008