Get your facts about flu shotsI stumbled over the column in Friday’s paper, “Wanted: a cooler fall” written by Taylor McCune, which made me really upset.I apologize for saying it in this impolite manner, but this is certainly the most stupid and primitive column I have ever read in a University newspaper. Complaining about not being able to wear a wool jacket because the fall isn’t cool enough is more than inappropriate in times of a big economic crisis, wars, hunger etc.If you couldn’t find a topic to write about, I suggest you get a newspaper (a real one!) or go to the Internet and get informed about things that go on in the world! War in Iraq and Afghanistan, thousands of US (and by the way also European) soldiers and many civilians dying in these wars, daily detonations of bombs in these areas as well as in Israel, the situation in Sudan or other African countries, hunger in many areas of the world, environmental issues, etc. There are many topics worth to be mentioned.In addition, how can a responsible person publicly speak against flu shots?? My guess is that the author never had a real flu. Well, get one and you will write about it in a different way. Flu shots are NOT useless! They do not hurt, it takes about 30 seconds to get them (OK, you have to get them every year – but so what??), they are mostly free, and they increase the likelihood that you don’t get the flu (it is true, you might get another type of flu but the likelihood is small).The flu kills thousands of people every year – and not only older people or those who have “some horrible malady”. Having the REAL flu means that you will not be able to do anything for at least one week. In addition, the virus can be transmitted from you to others, especially those who are in high risk groups (as you obviously don’t care about the elderly and sick, how about caring about children — they are another risk group).It is also true that you might get a cold after the flu shot but this is nothing serious. Get the facts before you recommend something in a newspaper!!!Dana Kotter-Griehnassistant professor, psychology
Campus Forum | October 20
October 17, 2008
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