The Student Government Senate unanimously approved a bill at the Senate meeting Wednesday night to allocate $2,160 from the Senate Contingency Fund to pay for six members of the National Association of Women MBAs-LSU chapter to attend the National conference in Connecticut.Senator Matt Reed, Graduate School, authored the bill and originally requested $2,814 to pay for travel expenses, registration fees and room and board. Senators debated the bill for more than an hour, questioning the precedent that would be set.Senator Chris Brown, College of Engineering, said many other organizations raise their own funds for such occasions. But senator Parker Wishik, Mass Communication, said other organizations that do not request funding should not be taken into consideration.”We should take this on a case-by-case basis,” Wishik said. “This is obviously a fledgling organization that needs our help.”Senators finally decided to exclude the cost of room and board. Four Senators conducted an impromptu test of Campus Transit before the Senate meeting. Senator Andy Palermo, University College Center for Academic Advising, called Campus Transit at 6:15 p.m. Palermo said Campus Transit arrived nine minutes later, and the entire trip took less than 15 minutes. The Senate approved an amendment to the SG bylaws allowing for a special veto override session should the SG president veto a bill after the regular session has been adjourned for the year. Senator Brett Jackson, Arts and Sciences, authored the bill, stating it would allow for a more accurate checks and balances system. “Last year, [former SG President] Cassie Alsfeld vetoed a bill after our session ended,” Jackson said. “Because we didn’t have this amendment, we couldn’t override that veto.”The bill stipulates the Override Session must take place within five days of the veto. —-Contact Katie Kennedy at
Senate allocates $2,160 for campus group’s trip to conference
October 23, 2008