The LSU Board of Supervisors postponed its vote on chairman-elect until Dec. 4 at Thursday’s meeting and unanimously voted to increase head baseball coach Paul Mainieri’s salary.The August meeting ended in a split vote between Alvin Kimble of Baton Rouge and John George of Shreveport for chairman-elect.Eight members voted in favor of Kimble, who has been expected to become the new chairman-elect since January. But the other eight members voted for George, whose candidacy began only three days before the August election.Board members accused Gov. Bobby Jindal’s administration of interfering with the voting process by persuading members to vote for George.”The governor had no reason not to want me other than wanting someone that he chose,” Kimble said to The Daily Reveille. “I’d rather lose than win with people who are so easily influenced by the governor.”Chairman-elect voting was listed on the agenda for Thursday’s meeting, but the Board expected the votes to remain split, leading to the decision to delay the chairman-elect voting until the December meeting.The Board also voted to increase Mainieri’s total annual compensation by $75,000.His pay will boost from $450,000 to $525,000 not including fringe benefits and post season and academic incentives.Mainieri, who led LSU to the College World Series in his second season, will receive an increase of $25,000 for appearing on radio, television and Internet programs concerning the University and the baseball team. He will receive an additional $50,000 from vendor endorsement fees.Athletic Director Joe Alleva said Mainieri is an “outstanding coach and teacher.” This semester, the team has a cumulative GPA of 2.9, the highest in team history.Mainieri’s contract became effective July 1, 2006, for a five-year term ending June 30, 2011.
Contact Leslie Presnall at [email protected]
Board delays vote on new chairman-elect
October 1, 2008

James Roy and the rest of the LSU Board of Supervisors delayed voting Thursday on a new chairman-elect. The Board also approved to increase LSU baseball coach Paul Mainieri’s pay.