Procrastination — a word as familiar as “tuition” and “homework” to college students. Most of us put things off until the last possible minute, electing not to start studying for exams or working on projects until the night before assignments are due.But some students take a different path toward graduation, studying diligently every night, making sure their grades are as high as possible.Regardless of our individual study tactics, we should be afforded the luxury of having facilities on campus open at the time we study most — late at night. This Board agrees having Middleton Library open until 2 a.m. is a good idea.Student Government, in collaboration with the University and Middleton LIbrary, announced Thursday the library will remain open until 2 a.m. Sunday through Thursdays for a one-month trial period. If all goes well, the hours could be permanent.This Board has not always agreed with the decisions and policies SG makes. But this decision is extremely beneficial to those who matter most — University students.What’s more impressive is the lengths SG President Colorado Robertson went through to ensure extending the library’s hours could work. Robertson counted the number of students who left the library near closing time to show administrators how many students would still use the facility if it were open later.The University is constantly trying to be one of the most well-respected in the South and in the nation. And the availability of resources to students is just as important as alumni donations in reaching that goal.There’s no reason Middleton Library should close two hours before Tigerland bars. Something is wrong with that scenario.The 11 other Southeastern Conference schools all have their main libraries open later than Middleton. Libraries at Auburn, South Carolina and Vanderbilt are open 24 hours. And six other schools in the conference have their libraries open until 2 a.m. or later.This point in the semester is the perfect time to experiment with this time change. Midterms begin next week, and the halfway point in the semester is a time students finally have to buckle down and get serious.We have no way of knowing whether students will actually utilize the extra two hours of access to Middleton.But the fact that they have the choice is a small step toward making the University even with its peers in all academic areas.—-Contact the Editorial Board at [email protected]
Our View: Extending library hours is a smart decision
October 5, 2008