Budweiser ads degrade womenAs a college student who is above the legal drinking age, I know that Budweiser is very popular. What I do not understand is why they take the advertisement approach that they do.I am especially appalled at a particular billboard that I have seen. It states “Easy drinking taste. For those who like things that are ‘easy’ and ‘drinking.'” This is a particularly sensitive topic for me as a female student. On average one in four women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime — that is a very scary and real statistic. “Going out” this day in age is an especially daunting task because one has to make sure to watch all her friends, watch her beverage and make sure she is safe and not drinking too much. The reality is that 4-6.5% of men in college commit rapes and they are very experienced and know what they are doing. They use tools such as date rape drugs and alcohol. Budweiser’s advertisement suggests that it is okay to take advantage of somebody who has been drinking (normally too much) and has lower inhibitions or reflexes than they normally do; taking advantage of somebody who is incapacitated for any reason, including alcohol, is rape because he/she cannot give consent.When major companies use such techniques and slogans for advertisement they are contributing to what is called our “rape culture.” Every time someone says a sexist remark or joke, calls a female a demeaning term, promotes their product with humiliating and belittling slogans he/she adds to the rape culture. They do so by degrading women and therefore rationalize the mistreatment of females.I am asking you as a fellow college student to think about all of this before you buy another product from Budweiser. Is the taste that you may enjoy really worth helping aide the culture that makes it appear okay to rape? How would you feel if your mother, sister, girlfriend or friend was sexually assaulted? I am asking you as a fellow student to think what message a company is sending to the public before consuming their product(s).Budweiser is telling the public that they think using advertisement that degrades women is okay.Jessica Lanejunior, textile technology
Campus Forum | October 15
October 12, 2008
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