Chancellor Michael Martin has been the University’s chief executive for more than two months, and now he wants to open up the conversation to students, faculty and staff for maximum transparency.Martin sent a broadcast e-mail to students, faculty and staff to share updates about what the University has been doing during his tenure.He said the performance of the University’s Emergency Operations Center was remarkable, impressive and very effective during Hurricane Gustav’s Labor Day landfall.Martin said the Forever LSU campaign has been progressing despite “a very fragile economy.”The campaign has raised more than $560 million, about $190 million shy of the $750 million goal by 2010.Martin said he appreciates the Faculty Senate providing open forums to talk about the University.”Shared governance requires open, constructive, and regular communication,” he said. “We are making positive first steps in this regard.”Martin said he knew the University was “a fine university” before he arrived, but he is learning that “it is better than [he] thought.”
Contact J,J, Alcantara at [email protected]
Martin opens up conversation about University events
October 7, 2008