In today’s increasingly efficient world, you can hire someone to help you do just about anything — for a price.We have personal trainers to keep us fit, nutritionists to keep us healthy, personal shoppers to keep us stylish and even life coaches to keep us on track.But what about when it comes to love — the most elusive of all human desires?Well, nowadays you can hire someone to take care of that, too.And they said you couldn’t buy love.Dating consultants — once known as matchmakers — are becoming increasingly present in a world where we don’t have time for sit-down meals, let alone meeting and falling in love with that perfect person.And it’s not limited to the Hitch-like date doctors. The job has expanded to include professional wingmen and profile writers who will whip up a paragraph making you sound so interesting and wonderful that they can charge $150 a pop.Our busy lives and dependence on technology for every facet of our daily routines has led to an entirely new dating landscape.No longer will grandma meet grandpa at the county fair where they shared an ice cream. Instead grandma met grandpa in an Internet chat room for 30-something singles. After checking out each other’s profiles on, they struck up an e-mail relationship where grandma paid a profile writer to come up with interesting things for her to say. Later, grandpa hired a professional wingman to go with him to meet grandma at an Internet café. Three weeks later they were married.Sadly grandma and grandpa ended in divorce.And it’s no wonder why.According to Online Dating Magazine, Internet matches account for an estimated 120,000 marriages a year. That’s a lot of online dating.But is it feasible that people can meet and fall in love on the Internet while having minimal real-world contact?Everyone has a friend of their cousin’s that met and married someone in another country over the Internet. How many of them are still married?Or do we live in a world so detached and isolated that any human contact, no matter how minimal, is enough?And what about price tags? How much is too much to spend on love?Bravo’s Millionaire Matchmaker features matchmaker Patti Stanger attempting to create love connections for her exclusive band of millionaires, but what about less affluent lonely hearts?Minneapolis-based professional wingperson Alexis McKinnis offers up her services for $25 an hour.McKinnis describes the duties of a wingman on her blog as an “agency that provides you with a partner in crime for a night out. This person’s only job is to approach other people on your behalf, with the intent of helping you get a date with them. Wingmen pull others into your conversations, get phone numbers, and make you look good.”After visiting McKinnis’ Web site, I had a moment of clarity.I was born to be a wingwoman.I can’t wait to start my career as a professional wingwoman. Together we can hit up Fred’s on a Saturday night. I can talk you up to the person of your choice and then discreetly move away once you start making the moves.I can suavely introduce you to everyone in the place.I can chat up the annoying friend leaving the object of your affection open.And best of all, I can take a punch if you end up barking up the wrong tree.There are definitely worse jobs out there. The dating business has grown into a behemoth industry that will rake in an estimated $932 million by 2011, according to Jupiter Research.I’d be an idiot not to tap into this.I could make even bigger bucks by becoming a personal dating, a Virginia-based dating coach firm, charges $4000 for a three month one-on-one course. Other firms charge even more.I could put my extensive Daily Reveille training to good use by typing up fascinating dating site profiles for my clients.Or maybe I could create a full-service business that included all three tasks. I could charge a fortune.And isn’t it worth it? After all, you can’t put a price tag on love and eternal happiness. It’s priceless, meaning most people would pay almost anything to find that special someone.So when eHarmony doesn’t yield enough results, you grow tired of trolling Tigerland for hotties, and everyone you know from work or school is either married or hopeless, don’t hesitate to give me a call.Because I heard you have a great job, a nice car and love baby animals — and I’m not afraid to tell the whole bar.—-Contact Caitlyn Scott at [email protected]
Professional wingmen are the wave of the dating future
September 29, 2008