The Baton Rouge Police Department charged a Baton Rouge man today for calling in a false tip about the investigation of the Dec. 17 double murder of Chandrasekhar Komma and Kiran Allam.
Dallas Joseph Staden, 22, called the LSU Police Department, WAFB Channel 9 News and CrimeStoppers and identified himself and several of his friends as being associated with the crime. Staden was arrested Dec. 21 for a domestic violence warrant. The East Baton Rouge Parish District Attorney’s Office will charge him with criminal mischief, though BRPD Sgt. Don Kelly said the office hopes to press more serious charges.
“It was an incredible waste of man power and money,” Kelly said.
The task force followed Staden’s lead for one week, but they were unable to eliminate or verify the tip.
Kelly said BRPD tried to send a message through the press for the anonymous tipper to call back with more information. LSUPD subpoenaed phone records from AT&T to determine who placed the call.
On Dec. 27, the phone company sent a list of phone numbers that included a relative of Staden’s. The task force played a recording of one of Staden’s calls Wednesday for his mother. She immediately identified the voice as her son’s.
“We want the public to know how angry they should be at this individual,” Kelly said.
Kelly said investigators from the five agencies involved with the case are meeting today to compare case notes and start anew.
“I think it’s renewed [the task force’s] sense of commitment and dedication,” Kelly said.
Kelly said the BRPD would like to extend a renewed plea to the public to call in with factual tips.
He said the department investigates all tips, although it is sometimes difficult to sort through them.
Kelly said the incident was “disheartening.”
—–Contact Emily Holden at [email protected]
BRPD charges Baton Rouge man for giving false tips in University double murder — 1/03
By Emily Holden
January 4, 2008