Cyclists may be adding a newly invented item to their wish lists this holiday season — chainless bikes.Trek Bicycle, headquartered in Waterloo, Wis., is introducing two models this month that operate on carbon fiber composite belts like those used in motorcycles instead of chains, making Trek the first to use this technology for mass production.”With the exception of the cool factor, [the belt] is going to decrease noise, and it’s not going to build up dirt,” said Mark Adams, Capitol Cyclery manager. “It’s going to be lighter, and it won’t rust.”Adams said the new bikes are virtually maintenance free, and owners won’t be bothered with the hassle of replacing greasy chains.New bicycle chains can cost consumers between $10 and $100, Adams said. A person could be forced to change his or her chain once a year depending on the amount of riding.”It depends on how they take care of it,” he said. “If they leave it outside, it’s going to rust. They’ve got to continue to clean it, or it won’t function well.””Heavy riders” usually replace their chains at least once a year, Adams said. But for those who only commute to campus and back, chains will last longer.But with the convenience of a quiet ride, belts that won’t cut, stretch or leave grease marks on riders’ ankles, comes a high price tag. The District, a single-speed version of the chainless bike, will cost consumers about $930.The new belts are made up of about 3,000 parts, including links and connectors, and a guard over the belt makes it almost impossible to catch cyclists’ pants legs, which could be convenient for those commuting to and from campus.But Adams said Capitol Cyclery doesn’t have plans to sell the new chainless bikes yet.”Single-speed bikes aren’t the hottest thing in Baton Rouge,” he said. “It’s definitely a small market here.”Adams said Capitol Cyclery will watch to see the popularity of the new bikes after their release this month.”We have to give it a little more time,” he said. “It’s extremely new, but it’s very possible we get one or two in here and see what people do.”Adams said business slows down after the holiday season, making it tough to promote a new item. But The Bicycle Shop on Highland Road said they will not sell the new bikes because they don’t carry the Trek brand.With bikes being used as an environmental fix and a popular way of transportation, the U.S. bicycle industry brought in $5.4 billion in 2007, according the National Sporting Good Association.—-Contact Leslie Presnall at [email protected]
Company invents chainless bicycle
December 2, 2008