Presidential and vice-presidential candidates were added Tuesday afternoon to the Student Government election ballot.
Garrett Chassee, presidential candidate, and his brother James Chassee, vice-presidential candidate, filed a complaint with the University Court charging that SG Commissioner of Elections Savanna Ordoyne and the Election Board misinterpreted the Election Code.
Garrett Chassee said he was originally not allowed on the ballot because he is graduating in December and could not provide papers to prove he was applying to graduate school. Chassee said since the application process does not begin until the summer, he was unable to provide documentation.
Ordoyne and SG President Michelle Gieg reviewed the injunction, which was signed by U-Court Associate Justice Matthew Butler.
Gieg confirmed that the Chassee brothers were electronically added to the ballot Tuesday afternoon. Ordoyne could not be reached for comment.
U-Court Chief Justice Neal Hebert said the candidates can now decide to either file a case with the Trial Court or let the U-Court rule on the dispute.
“From what I understand, Garrett has an issue that the commissioner’s reading is unfair,” Hebert said. “The ruling doesn’t seem to be completely in accord with the Election Code.”
Garrett Chassee said he will not rush to decide his next course of action.
“It greatly depends on election results,” Chassee said.
Contact Amy Brittain at [email protected]
Candidates added to ballot at last minute
By my Brittain
March 22, 2006