On Oct. 25 the student body will have an opportunity to voice their opinions of Student Government in the loudest way possible, by casting their vote in an open election. The election pits a number of candidates against one another and offers them the prize of reshaping the Student Senate and creating a body that can best meet the needs of students. And tonight many, if not all, of the candidates will be attending the weekly Senate meeting. We encourage students to attend the meeting so they can meet the candidates. We view this as a great opportunity for students to see who will be running SG next semester and to decide who will best serve the student body. But tonight’s meeting is also the last chance students will have to see how the current Senate operates before the election. Much has been said in this space about actions taken by some members of the current Senate that we believe were not in the best interest of students, and we think there are some changes that need to be made. We ask the student body to attend and ask themselves whether they believe the incumbents who are running for re-election are going to do the best job or whether new faces will bring positive changes. This will not be an easy decision, but it’s an important one nonetheless and one that will decide who will be allocating your student fees next semester. The Daily Reveille has contacted every candidate who is running and offered them the opportunity to provide a short idea of how they hope to improve the Senate. They will be speaking in their own words to the student body and explaining what they plan to do to serve the University. We ask you, the student body, to take a close look at what these candidates have to say and factor in their thoughts before making any decisions. Mark Twain once said, “The government is merely a servant – merely a temporary servant. . . Its function is to obey orders, not originate them.” With that in mind, we ask you to log into PAWS on Wednesday and vote. This is your chance to take a stand and decide who will be looking out for you next semester. This is you opportunity to hold your government accountable. We ask you not to let it go to waste.
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Our View: SG elections to be held next week
October 17, 2006