There has been much said in this space about the short comings of Student Government.
But today, we would like to thank them for their work in getting a winter intercession implemented by the University.
The intersession – aptly titled “Wintersession” – will offer more then 30 sections of classes to students Dec.19 to 23 and Jan. 2 to 9 with no classes Dec. 24 to Jan. 1.
Working with other members of Odinet’s administration, Megan Poynot, SG director of academics, has been able to have the University hold an intercession during the winter break. We would like to thank her for her hard work and for getting something accomplished that students can benefit from directly.
We think Wintersession is a great way for students to pick up a few hours when they would otherwise have to wait until the regular semester to move ahead with their degrees. In the past students had to go to other universities in order to take classes during the break, but now they can take them locally.
Born of an idea touted during Odinet’s campaign for SG president with now-SG Vice President Christen Heaton, Wintercession will provide students with more flexibility in how they decide when to take a class. It will also allow students on the cusp of graduation the ability to get out into the real world more quickly.
The idea behind having an intercession during the winter break is one that has been discussed in previous SG administrations but was never enacted before.
Under the leadership of Odinet and Poynot, SG was finally able to get the program started so students could begin reaping its benefits.
But like any idea at the University, the idea of Wintersession could very easily have died on the vine because of a lack of effort or beaucratic red tape.
Poynot deserves the thanks of the student body for her work in coordinating administrators and getting them to take the idea seriously enough to launch the intercession.
It is through leaders like her that the student body can see Student Government’s ability to act upon the wishes of their constituents – the students.
Thank you, Megan Poynot, for using your position to its fullest potential.
The students are better off because of your hard work.
—–Send letters to the editor to [email protected]
Our View: SG follows through on ‘Wintersession’
October 15, 2006