The Black Student Union has decided to postpone the elections originally scheduled to take place today. The elections were slated to select a new vice president and president for the upcoming year. These students would be charged with leading the organization.
But instead of working the polls today, current members and advisers will be trying to suspend parts of the group’s constitution and looking for someone willing to run for the position of president.
Two of the vice-presidential candidates were disqualified, and the presidential candidate withdrew from the race, citing problems with his fall schedule.
So on the planned election day, the ballot has no candidates.
The potential of the BSU is vast. The group, which was founded to spread diversity and work with minority organizations, is capable of coordinating with students across campus to foster change and unity. The group has sponsored conferences for student leaders and provided funds for organizations in need of relief. Students interested in working with a wide variety of projects can seek assistance and funding through the BSU.
And this year the BSU hosted a Student Government presidential candidate debate to help foster discussion among students regarding the elections.
But in the past several years, turnout for the elections has decreased steadily. In 2006, 273 students voted in the election, and the year before only 172 turned out.
The 2006 election was the second highest turn out since 2001.
Given the current problems of getting candidates on the ballot and the historically low turnout, the BSU is in desperate need of reorganization.
Students need to step up and make their voice heard. An organization capable of having a deep impact on the University community should not be allowed to wither away.
It is imperative that work be done quickly to ensure that an election takes place and that students vote in it. The BSU’s impact is not limited to students of any particular race or ethnicity. All students are affected by the projects the BSU undertakes and should have an interest in the organization by both becoming actively involved and voting in the elections.
The students must not allow apathy to claim another victim or to bring about the demise of another positive campus entity.
—–Contact the Editorial Board at [email protected]
BSU has potential, needs to reorganize
April 24, 2007