Barely audible gasps in between notes helped Danny Chapa to achieve a standing ovation filled with several whoops and whistles at the fourth concert of Octubafest on Monday night in the Recital Hall of the School of Music.
“Octubafest is an event that happens around the country meant to bring visibility and some press for the instruments of the tuba family,” said Joseph Skillen, associate professor of music and coordinator of the night’s performance.
The audience of about 50 listened attentively as Chapa and Danny Frost, both music seniors, matched every note in pieces by composers such as Martin Ellerby, John Williams and Edvard Greig. The pieces demonstrated the ability of both students in the different styling of music from fast-paced to soothing beats.
Chapa performed a euphonium recital accompanied by pianist Mary Bresowar. Frost performed on the tuba with Jan Grimes, professional-in-residence and coordinator of collaborative activities, on piano.
The tuba family includes the tuba and the euphonium, which is a smaller version of the tuba.
The free, seven concert series will conclude tonight with a performance by Bradley Boone on the euphonium accompanied by Laurelie Gheesling on the piano and a studio ensemble concert.
Octubafest was developed by Harvey Phillips, a tuba soloist and retired professor of the Department of Music at the Indiana University at Bloomington. The idea for the festival stemmed from an event titled TUBACHRISTMAS, first held in 1973. Both events are part of many national celebrations of the tuba family held throughout the year.
“Students become involved in Octubafest by either studying with me or expressing their interest and auditioning for me.” said Skillen, associate editor of The International Tuba and Euphonium Association journal.
Cameron Alidor, music education freshman, said he enjoyed Chapa’s performance. “He hit really hard notes in those pieces.”
——Contact Megan Williams at [email protected]
Octubafest concert showcases student talent
November 6, 2007