Outlining the administration’s plan for re-naming and restructuring nearly every academic college on campus, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Astrid Merget met with a large crowd of faculty, staff and students this afternoon.
During the question-and-answer section of the forum, which was sponsored by the Faculty Senate and featured comments from Chancellor Michael Martin, faculty members told Merget they were frustrated with the lack of faculty input in the plans.
“We had to start somewhere,” Merget said.
The proposed changes, which go into effect July 1, will not affect students’ degree programs, Merget said. The plans restructure many schools and colleges on campus – changing their reporting lines and names.
Under the plan, the colleges at the University are as follows:
1. The College of Human and Social Sciences, currently the College of Arts and Sciences.2. The College of Science, currently the College of Basic Sciences. 3. The College of Education and Human Professions, currently the College of Education. 4. The College of Art and Design5. The College of Engineering 6. The College of Agriculture 7. The College of Business, currently the E.J. Ourso School of Business 8. The College of the Coast and the Environment 9. The Graduate College10. The College of Mass Communications, currently the Manship School of Mass Communication 11. The College of Verterinary Medicine
Other changes include:
1. The economics department and the public administration institute will be moved into the College of Human and Social Sciences from the College of Business. The department of experimental statistics will be moved from the College of Agriculture to the College of Human and Social Sciences. 2. Mathematics will move to the College of Science from the College of Arts and Science. 3. Kinesiology, the University Laboratory School, social work, library and information sciences, family, child and consumer science, human resource education and workforce development and communication sciences and disorders will all move into the College of Education and Human Professions. 4. The College of Art and Design will include the textiles, apparel design and merchandising program, currently in the College of Agriculture. 5. Sometime after July 1, the College of Engineering will include biological engineering and agricultural engineering. Both programs are currently in the College of Agriculture.
——Contact Kyle Bove at [email protected]
Heated Provost-Chancellor Forum lays out college restructuring plans – 5:40 p.m.
April 14, 2009