Today is the final day for students to file as candidates for Student Government’s fall elections.Interested students can run for spots in the senate or on the University court.In addition to the 31 fall senate seats opening up as terms end, the senate currently has multiple vacant seats, which would otherwise be unavailable until the spring.We urge any interested students to file between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. today at the south entrance of the Student Union near the Live Oak Lounge — and more importantly, for those elected to effectively serve their student body.Unfortunately, SG probably did not publicize its filing period as well as it should have, especially taking the number of vacant seats into account.This is a perfect microcosm of the lack of efficiency many students attribute to SG.The best response those students have today is to get off the couch and register for the election.But the job doesn’t stop with registering or being elected.Former SG President Colorado Robertson and his administration gained a lot of acclaim from students for accomplishing anything at all.But Robertson’s term shouldn’t be the benchmark for future SG accomplishments — it should be the starting point.The Robertson administration looked great because it was compared to its predecessors.But now the SG officials already in office, as well as the students filing for the fall election, need to find ways to continue to build off and overshadow past administrations.Those who feel they can effectively serve their student body need to put forth the effort to do so.The first step in that process ends today — don’t miss the boat.SG and your student body need individuals willing to and capable of making a difference and helping improve student life.—-Contact the Editorial Board at [email protected]
Our View: File for SG candidacy today; help improve student life
October 12, 2009