First-year law students have the opportunity to participate in the First-Year Advisory Program starting this semester.
Run by the Student Bar Association, student government for the Paul M. Hebert Law Center, the program pairs first-year law students with second and third-year students who can help them adjust to their new environment.
Sean Corcoran, SBA president, and Scott Sternberg, the second-year class president, created the completely student-run program and designed it to answer students’ most basic questions like “How do I get one of those lockers?” and “How do I pass my first law exam?”
The two said they’ve received positive feedback since its implementation, and they hope to keep it a casual academic relationship between first-year students and upperclassmen.
The ultimate goal, they said, is to decrease attrition rates.
Contact Olga Kourilova at [email protected]
New Law Center program helps first-year students adjust – 10:45 a.m.
September 29, 2009