A Washington DC-based “watchdog” group filed a bar complaint with theLouisiana Office of Disciplinary Counsel against Republican Sen. DavidVitter today.
The group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, citesVitter “for violating Louisiana’s rules of professional conduct forlawyers,” a charge related to his uncovered involvement in the DCMadam scandal in 2007.
“By repeatedly committing the crime of soliciting for prostitution,Sen. Vitter violated the rules of professional conduct for lawyers andshould be investigated and disciplined for his misconduct,” a CREWnews release said.
The bar complaint comes after a separate complaint CREW filed with theSenate Ethics Committee was dismissed in 2008.
“It is a shame the Senate has no such standard of conduct. It will beinteresting to see what sort of standard the Louisiana DisciplinaryBoard chooses to apply,” CREW executive director Melanie Sloan said inthe news release.
—-Contact Nate Monroe at [email protected]
Group files bar complaint against Vitter – 12:50 p.m.
September 29, 2009