Middleton Library recently pushed its closing time for this semester forward from 2 a.m. to midnight.The two extra hours were added last November, but had to be scaled back this semester because of budget cuts, according to sources in the library staff.Because additional student workers were required to operate late-night library hours, when the University had to adjust for cuts, those hours were eliminated.A library manager, who asked not to be identified on request from his employer, said no student workers were fired due to budget cuts.Colorado Robertson, former Student Government president who fought for extended hours, said he was disappointed to see the library closing earlier.”People are using it, and we have to provide them a place to study,” Robertson said. “The library promotes a culture of a top tier university with smarter and smarter students.”Robertson said he did not know the details of the roll back and said he found out like any other student — by reading one of the signs posted on the walls throughout the library.Library officials said they expect the library to remain open 24 hours a day during finals week but aren’t hopeful for a return of late-night hours.—-Contact Adam Duvernay at [email protected]
Library changes closing hours
August 25, 2009

A sign on a Middleton Library door announces changes to its hours of operation.