Every day, every afternoon and every night, the bus drivers at LSU keep students safe with rides around campus during the day and rides home to end the day.
The members of Alpha Kappa Psi fraternity are the few people that have noticed the thankless hours of work these drivers do every day and hope to help students appreciate what the drivers do. Every year, they will have a bus driver appreciation day where they bring chips, water, thank you cards and great company for the long day.
“We just felt like a bus driver is an under appreciated position and we just really wanted to show them that we care about them,” Alpha Kappa Psi president Michael Cusanza said.
The fraternity hopes to improve student involvement beyond the lines of Alpha Kappa Psi to accentuate even the smallest efforts in the community.
“Every year we do over 1,200 hours of service to the community,” Cusanza said.
The members are excited for the day every year and have made great friends with all of the bus drivers.
“It’s really just about giving back to them,” Cusanza said.
Alpha Kappa Psi Thanks Bus Drivers for Services to the University
By Alex Jett
March 27, 2017
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