As the end of the semester nears, it can become harder to maintain the initial focus and dedication you had from the start as deadlines creep up and your to-do list only seems to get longer. If you’re having a particularly rough week, here’s seven tips to ensure you finish the semester strong.
1. Put away the phone
My biggest distraction when I try to study is my cell phone. The world inside my study bubble is boring, and that text I’ve been waiting on is way more interesting than the language I’m struggling to learn. A good way to keep your hands away from your phone is to give yourself breaks where you allow yourself to check it in between studying.
2. Take breaks
Another way to not become overly stressed when it doesn’t seem like there’s enough time in the day: take breaks. Breaks are healthy. It’s impossible to keep your mind 100 percent focused on a single subject without getting distracted. Having a designated distraction period allows you to really zero in on the subject during study time, and worry about the rest of your life during the break.
3. Start ahead of time
I’m not sure if anything is worse than the feeling when midnight is nearing and you still have three chapters to learn or 1,000 words to write. Waiting until the last minute doesn’t give your brain enough time to comprehend new information and adds unnecessary stress to your life. Instead of cramming, start studying a week in advance to break up the load. Breaking the information into periods will give your brain time to process the information and you’ll be studying less each night.
4. Get enough sleep
A key aspect of function and high performance during the day is getting enough sleep the night before. The night before the exam is the most crucial because your brain processes all of the information you’ve learned during sleep, which is why binge studying only leads to unsuccessful results. Make sure you get work done during daytime hours so you can get eight hours of sleep.
5. Prioritize what you need to get done day-to-day
Keep your priorities straight, especially during finals week. Game of Thrones and Reggie’s Bar will always be there, but this is the only time you will take this test. Remember why you’re in college: to better yourself and get an education. Studying is crucial to achieve that goal.
6. Don’t stress about next week during the current week
I have an unhealthy habit of looking at the semester as a whole instead of taking it day by day. There are so many assignments in one semester, which is why you have to focus on one day at a time. Write a list of what you need to accomplish each day and take it one task at a time. Reward yourself for each assignment you complete and use that productivity as motivation to keep going.
7. Remember how you got this far
How did you get where you are today? Remember the blood, sweat and tears that have gone into the semester thus far, and all of the semesters before it. You’ve made it this far, and you’ll make it to next semester. Think about the end result — time will pass regardless, but you’ll feel so much better when you get there with an A on that final.