A heated debate sparked in Free Speech Plaza on Tuesday between students and an evangelizing church group.
Freshman Ryan Williams debated back and forth with one of the demonstrators to express why he believes the church group is unorthodox.
The radical group is currently on a college campus tour and they will continue to spread their teachings across the country.
Lead demonstrator Cindy Smock said the demonstration group cares about the students and only wants to spread the gospel to them.
“The women who should be the mothers of our nation, so many of them do not care and they want these innocent babies murdered,” she said. “They are just living for themselves, and they don’t want to make the sacrifice to do what it takes to be a mother.”
Evangelist Ivan Imes said that the radical group does not have a lot in common with his understanding of christianity.
“When you come at people and tell them that they are something other than a loving being, you aren’t loving them,” he said. “ I can’t tell you if they are christians or not, but if they are they aren’t acting like.”
Smock used unclean sanitary napkins and other feminine products in her demonstration to represent the differences between the party animal lifestyle, and following Christianity.
“The party animal lifestyle looks good, but it’s just a chocolate covered bloody tampon” she said.
A previous version of the headline for this article misspelled “animosity.” In addition, a previous version of this headline read: “pro-life advocates.” We understand these people do not represent all people who are pro-life. We regret these errors.